Monday May 6, 2024


January 12 2010

Wind in the Willows, Royal Botanic Gardens, January 6-28; family tickets $70 – a bargain.

SUMMER in Sydney’s Botanic Gardens wouldn’t be the same without Mr Toad, Ratty, Moley and the motley crew of beastly Weasels; and of course, the Cary Grant of the animal world, Badger. It’s pretty much the same as last year and the seven years before that – and none the worse for it. Familiarity in this kind of entertainment is an essential part of its charm and all the Kenneth Grahame characters, all the silly songs and all the groanable jokes are there to savour and enjoy. So is the multi-million dollar backdrop of Farm Cove and the Opera House which, when the weather is kind, adds immeasurable romance to the occasion. An easily portable picnic (the show requires a half-time trek by all participants to Toad Hall), a rug and willingness to suspend disbelief and join in the fun is all that’s required for a delightful late afternoon for all the family.

Producer Glenn Elston has for long specialized in outdoor productions for kids and adults and this Wind in the Willows is a classic and much-anticipated by kidults of all ages; but he could spend a few bucks on sprucing up the costumes and assisting the hardworking actors with some sound equipment. The reasoning that the outdoor setting and sweaty bodies could cause problems with body mikes is nonsensical and just an excuse to be tight. Come on Glenn, think of the possibilities of a few voice and sound FX; and all the audience could hear all the terrible jokes without strain on vocal cords or ears.




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