Tuesday April 23, 2024


September 26 2016

5 LESBIANS EATING A QUICHE, Tenacious C Presents with Deborah Tobias Creative Management at the Lithuanian Club, Errol Street, North Melbourne for the Melbourne Fringe Festival to 1October 2016.

What do 1956, nuclear holocaust, Gertrude Stein, Communist bombs, an unborn messiah, death, forgotten chickens, American paranoia, a drowning, sexual liberation, widowhood, and the egg have in common? To find out you need to see 5 Lesbians Eating A Quiche. (Written by Evan Linder and Andrew Hobgood.)

Five colourful widows, Lulie Stanwyck (Catherine Alcorn), Veronica Schultz (Lauren Jackson), Ginny Cadbury (Ashely Lollback), Wren Robin (Lauren O’Rourke) and Dale Prist (Bianca Zoupass) of the Susan B Anthony Society for The Sisters of Gertrude Stein meet in a rundown Mid-West, small-town hall to celebrate their annual quiche breakfast.

For these gals the quiche is the epitome of health, anti-meat, identity, and self-expression. When they are the only humans left alive on the planet (Yes, the Communists finally win the day) their only hope to re-populate the world lies with the … no no no, no spoilers here. 

The humour and accents are broad, the performances lovingly way over the top (director Nathanael Cooper, designer Sean Bryan) and the plot is only a thread to bind the comic set-pieces together for a loud and outrageous 70 minutes in a theatre. However the antics on stage were not helped by the blurry acoustics of the cavernous Lithuanian Club Theatre. 

A lot of the shrill dialogue, and therefore some of the humour was unfortunately lost but, hey! that needn’t stop the audience leaving their theatrical sensibilities at the door and revealing to the world their secret, but liberating, sexual identity while they get it on with these lovin’ lezzos and their unswerving devotion to the egg



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